קישורים לקטעים מסרטי ארכיון - פרס/איראן בתקופת מלחמת העולם השנייה
מקורות: YouTube, British Pathe, National Archives (USA)
Allies Meet In Iran (1941)
llies Meet In Iran 1941 via British PathéA.
عبور سربازان گورخا هندی (انگلیسی) از خیابان سپه کرمانشاه 72 سال پیش.احتمالا از مسجد جامع در سمت راست و تکیه بیگلر بیگی در سمت چپ عبور میکنندVarious shots as Gurkha troops and other forces from the Empire arrive in Kermanshah, various shots of the locals and Iranian soldiers watching. The convoys pass through the towns to meet Russian troops. M/S as two commanders shake hands near Kasvin. Various shots of the soldiers meeting each other. C/U of one smiling soldier. M/S's of locals watching. L/S of Iran's capital Teheran, carts drive through the streets, there are no real signs of war. M/S photograph of Adolf Hitler in a shop window. M/S of V for victory signhttps://www.facebook.com/makhodayari/videos/10201626684419415/?t=1s daubed on a wall. M/S of Teheran.
The Persian Corridor
Russian Cossack Riders In Iran (1941)
Poles in Persia (1943)
Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran
The Anglo-Soviet Invasion of Iran also known as Anglo-Soviet Invasion of Persia was the invasion of the Empire of Iran during World War II by Soviet, British and other Commonwealth armed forces. The invasion lasted from 25 August to 17 September 1941, and was codenamed Operation Countenance. The purpose was to secure Iranian oil fields and ensure Allied supply lines for the Soviets, fighting against Axis forces on the Eastern Front. Though Iran was officially neutral, according to the Allies its monarch Rezā Shāh was friendly toward the Axis powers and was deposed during the subsequent occupation and replaced with his young son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
More News Pictures From Iran (1941)
- M/S of British General meeting Russian Divisional Commander outside Kasvin, they shake hands. L/S as they walk to their troops. Various shots as the troops come forward and meet each other. M/S's as tank drives past, they inspect each other's armoured equipment. An Indian soldier shows his Kookry knife to the Russian soldiers. M/S of feast in officers' mess, Various shots as they drink a toast to each other. M/S's of soldiers marching and driving towards Teheran.L/S of people lining the street. M/S as car draws up to Parliament and the new Shah, Shahpur Mohammed Riza, gets out to take over reins of office. Various dark interior shots as he takes the oath and signs his name. M/S of Iran's flag flying on the building. Various shots as he emerges and gets in his car which drives away. Various shots of crowds and soldiers.
Iran - Anglo-Soviet Control
<HTML><META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=utf-8">More News Pictures From Iran (1941) _
Teheran Conference' - December 1943, THE BIG THREE IN TEHRAN and Allies invasion to Iran